Embrace the Chaos (and Still Maintain Your Sanity)
Embracing the chaos is more than just ignoring havoc around you. It’s a state of mind, to enjoy and embrace those fleeting years of childrearing, soaking in the easily missed moments, taking it as it comes.
Embracing the Nap Trap: Finding Joy in Motherhood
Despite longing for independence and time to pursue writing, there is a sadness in knowing that the days of being nap trapped are numbered.
Where Has Summer Gone?
Where has summer gone? The mantra of parents as summer break flies into another school year. Achieving balance between busy activities and relaxed, memory-making family moments is the challenge of every parent.
Getting New Neighbors
What can be more nerve-wracking to a tight-knit neighborhood than the arrival of a new neighbor? Will they fit into the area, will they be friendly or reclusive, will they be loud, will they fix up the mess-of-a-house they just bought? Our previous neighbor was a kind-hearted, easy-going person who is dearly missed but let…
Why you should have a garden
Never before in our known history have people been so disconnected from the earth and their sources of food. Sure, maybe the wealthy elite from various chapters of history avoided toiling in the dirt for their supper but those were the extreme minority. When people find out I garden, the most common responses I hear…
Thursday Thoughts… What equipment fills my kitchen?
Struggling with a kitchen lacking central air and a reliable wall oven, we have adapted by using portable cooking gear and a countertop oven. We face challenges like a faulty stove burner and a treacherous wall oven, leading to creative solutions and cooking in the garage during hot summer days to keep the house cool…
When your “secret stash” of Oreos isn’t a secret…
What to do when your secret stash of Oreos goes missing on a stressful, long day with four kids?